We will gladly help you realise your data-driven ambitions

Having the right information is a prerequisite for making well-founded decisions. The rise of Industry 4.0 has led to an exponential growth of the amount of data. But data is not information you can use to optimise your assets and manufacturing processes, make maintenance predictable, reduce energy consumption, or introduce new, innovative services. You will need data intelligence for this, and to successfully take the step towards a data-driven business operation.

Companies do want to make the digital transformation, but most do not know how and where to begin. What makes us different is that, as a digital transformer, we do not only have expertise about data, industrial automation, and digitalisation, but also about the domains in which our clients operate. This enables us to collect and organise the right data and turn it into information that our clients can use for their business processes and goals, so that they can serve their customers even better.
Additude provides consultancy, projects, managed services, and the solutions that our own people developed. In this dynamic world, we are the right partner for digital transformation and data intelligence. With our domain knowledge and technological know-how, we provide innovative, future-proof solutions

Data strategy

We help organisations to become data-driven. We advise about the technical and operational aspects of the set-up, to enable you to take the step towards digital transformation with good arguments and with confidence. Our ultimate goal is that you make better, more reliable, and well-founded decisions and to strengthen your competitive position. Our data strategy is the basis for this.

Data cloud infrastructure and data architecture

More and more devices and machines are equipped with sensors that produce data to analyse the performance of these assets. To organise and process such data and make them accessible and understandable, you will need a secure data cloud infrastructure and data architecture. We set up the data cloud with Microsoft Azure (we are an important Microsoft partner). Then, we can combine data from different source systems and, for instance, add historical data to optimise processes. Especially when we integrate IT and OT and add data from ERP systems as well, among other things. This does not only provide visibility of the performance of assets, but also of their costs and efficiency. For instance, what costs does a conservancy incur for a pumping station? We make this visible. 

Data engineering

Thanks to our industrial background, we can read, understand, and control all available data. This is called data engineering and makes the data architecture operational. As builders of data infrastructure and data architecture, we know better than anybody else how to store, organise, and clear data, and how to process them to gain understandable decision-making information. We used this, in combination with IoT and the latest cloud solutions, to offer our clients a solution to use real-time data about compressors for the reliability of their manufacturing processes and to reduce their energy consumption.

Data intelligence

What is the truth? Can data show that? With unstructured data and without knowledge of the context, it is difficult to assess data. With our expertise, we develop calculation models and algorithms to show what is going on in the chain. We use the possibilities offered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to interpret the collected data, find connections, and produce relevant decision-making information. Data enables you to be flexible and anticipate changes, both unexpected (disruptions) and self-initiated (innovation). By communicating with both software and hardware, we bring all data sources together and paint a truthful picture of the reality. For instance, we carried out a project for automatic asphalt damage recognition with AI. A self-learning model saved the client lots of money.

Data governance

Data governance is indispensable to safeguard data reliability. But you want to be sure that you make the right choices. Who is to say that your data are still your data after processing? Data often go through the entire organisation. Many people use them, add data, modify them, or delete them. That requires extensive user authorisation, as well as transparency. Can we still follow data flows? Do we know who used what data and what for? This asks for a separate operating process for the data governance. As part of our service, we make data governance part of the data strategy. This guarantees data quality and the purpose that the data was meant to serve.

Our working method

The possibilities to use data within your organisation are usually endless. We make order out of chaos and work step by step to translate your need to a solution. With our proven approach, we will help you gain insight in your data.

Data intelligence

Data intelligence

We offer added value by combining our domain knowledge and process automation experience our knowledge about data. Colleagues specialised in various markets support our in-house data specialists to link data to domain knowledge. Together with all entities, from project to service, we deliver a fast, efficient, and seamless process to become data intelligent. Our in-house data lake platform gives all specialists insight in the complete data pipeline, which benefits their expertise.

Total solutions

As a leading European provider of industrial automation solutions and a builder of data infrastructure and data architecture, we lay the foundations needed for digital transformation. With data intelligence, we enrich operating and information management systems and successfully shape our clients' digital transformation. Our solutions integrate fully in our clients' businesses, so that they can serve their end customers even better. This is how we make the world a smarter - and more sustainable - place day by day.

Industry & logistics 4.0

Industry & logistics 4.0

Industry 4.0 is the combination of OT, IT, data, and IoT. It is where people and machines come together. OT and IT are often completely separated, but that separation can no longer exist in the new world of digital transformation. This is much more than just ‘connected’ machines or factories and data-driven process control. Close cooperation between IT and OT, between the CIO and the COO, is even a requirement without which you cannot hope to be successful. Data intelligence means that we have to be present in all layers of manufacturing and distribution processes to take full advantage of the promises of Industry 4.0.

What we offer

We provide proven solutions, high-quality (certified) services, and dedicated people who know what data intelligence adds to business processes. That makes Additude the ideal partner for future-proof solutions and long-term cooperation.

Data intelligence

Our versatile domain knowledge enables us to assess the meaning of process and operating data, and to translate them to decision-making information and new data models.

Data architecture

We integrate IT and OT environments in our data architecture for improved insight in processes, production times, and costs. 


We maintain key partnerships with all important partners in the industry. Among others, we are Microsoft Gold partner, Schneider Master Alliance partner, and Value Provider ABB.

CO2 performance ladder

ICT Group has a CO2 performance ladder level 4 certificate. That means that we also care about the emission of CO2 in the chain and the industry.

Data intelligence

Our versatile domain knowledge enables us to assess the meaning of process and operating data, and to translate them to decision-making information and new data models.

Data architecture

We integrate IT and OT environments in our data architecture for improved insight in processes, production times, and costs. 


We maintain key partnerships with all important partners in the industry. Among others, we are Microsoft Gold partner, Schneider Master Alliance partner, and Value Provider ABB.

CO2 performance ladder

ICT Group has a CO2 performance ladder level 4 certificate. That means that we also care about the emission of CO2 in the chain and the industry.

More information?

Please contact Denis van Nunen

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Denis van Nunen